Walk through the doors of Temple Beth Avodah and you’ll find children and teens in every corner learning, laughing, praying, and experiencing together. For our youth, TBA is a second home, one in which they feel comfortable exploring their identity in a Jewish context with nurturing and supportive adults to guide them. From discussing current events to learning a new melody for a prayer to cooking an Israeli dish, our students engage with Judaism in a variety of ways. We know and understand each child as an individual and meet them where they are. We see ourselves as partners with parents in providing a nurturing and safe environment for exploration and growth. Our holistic approach focuses on social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual growth. We invite you to join us and see if our program is a good fit for you and your family. Email us at info@bethavodah.org to find out more or schedule a visit.
9:30-10 a.m. Kehillah Community Time: Students start the day together and parents are encouraged to attend. ​
10-11 a.m. Class time
Pre-K-Grade 2: Our hands on curriculum focuses on the building blocks of Jewish learning: holidays, values, Torah stories, and Hebrew introduction. Throughout the year there are several family programs to engage parents in learning and connect them with each other.   ​
Grades 3-5 on Sundays: Our upper elementary program is focused on experiential learning including drama, cooking, and environmentalism from a Jewish lens. The semester ends with a family-based project or field trip to culminate the unit.
11 a.m. Optional Activities: After school ends, students are often invited to participate in other activities including Shir Joy, children’s choir, Mini BAYGL events (youth group), and family playdates.
2:30-3:30 p.m. Optional Early Drop Off: Students may come before the regularly scheduled session either for extra help or accelerated learning.
3:30-4:30 p.m. Beit Knesset: Whole school prayer experience weekly and led monthly with Rabbi Stern. ​
4:00-5:30 p.m. Class Time: Focused on small group Hebrew learning and exploring Jewish values through meaningful activities and discussions.
We recognize that middle school is a time of transition – both in the secular world and in Jewish life. Through our Monday afternoon Midrasha program and supplemental opportunities, we help students dig more deeply into their Jewish learning and guide them through the B’nai Mitzvah process and beyond.
Midrasha on Mondays 4:30-6:15 p.m. with optional dinner from 6:15-7 p.m. AND Individual tutoring and meetings prior to B'nai Mitzvah.
Our middle school program focuses on B'nai Mitzvah and beyond. Students in Grade 6 dive deeply into preparation with learning and practicing prayers, exploring the meaning of the milestone, and sharing personal thoughts and reflections. In Grade 7 and 8 students have an opportunity to delve into topics through a Jewish lens, learn about the Holocaust, and ways they can personally contribute to social justice.
Additional Options:
Teen Interns monthly training on Sundays 11:30-12:30 p.m. plus internship positions in school, office, or Temple programs (post-B’nai Mitzvah only – details below).
Jr. BAYGL events
Grades 6-8 Retreats focused on building community.
Our high school connections emphasis building a safe space for teens to build relationships, strengthen their leadership skills, and explore Judaism in new and exciting ways. There are many paths to involvement for our high schoolers including Midrasha on Monday evenings, Teen Internships, gender-based groups, youth group participation and leadership, and trips and retreats.
Midrasha on Mondays 7-8:30 p.m. with optional dinner from 6:15-7 p.m. Topics focused on current events and contemporary teen issues through a Jewish lens.
Additional Options
Teen Interns monthly training on Sundays 11:30-12:30 p.m. plus internship positions in school, office, or Temple programs (post-B’nai Mitzvah only – details below)
Rosh (girls) and Shevet (boys) monthly groups on Sundays (times vary)
BAYGL events and BAYGL Board leadership (varied times)
NFTY-Northeast, JTI, and other regional and national Jewish youth organizations
Trips/Retreats including to Israel, Washington D.C., New York, and other locations.
Our teen internship program provides our teens with the opportunity to learn and grow in hands on experiences. The skills they learn on the job as well as in their training help them work collaboratively, plan and execute programs, and improve their relationship building skills. Teens choose one or more internships below to participate in. Internships are paid or unpaid based on the teen’s preference and may be used as community service. In addition to their internship hours, they participate in trainings approximately once a month on Sundays from 11:30-12:30.
Sundays Grades K-5 Interns (9:15 - 11:00 a.m.)
Sundays Song Leaders (9:15 - 11:00 a.m.)
Mondays Grade 6 Interns/B'nai Mitzvah peer tutors (4:15 - 6 p.m.)
Wednesday Grades 3-5 Interns (3:30 - 5:30 p.m.)
Early Childhood Interns (varies on weekends)
Office/technology Interns (varies)