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New Year Greeting from Rabbi Stern
I’m going to assume that at some point in your Jewish life, perhaps today, you said out loud to a friend or partner or a parent: “Why do I have to go to High Holy Day services?” The answer is often short and to the point: “Because you’re Jewish!” Which is not necessarily soothing or inspiring. For many folks, religious services and prayer are so tangential to everything else you do. That’s not bad; it’s just the truth. So, if you have occasion to ask that question this year, or if you are compelled to answer it, I’d like to offer a few legitimate reasons to join in for the New year.
Coming to temple for the High Holy Days [HHD] is a way to recalibrate our souls. It reminds us to cherish what we have and to be kinder to others and to ourselves.
HHD are the annual meeting of the Jewish people. Come see friends, catch up with acquaintances.
It’s a chance to sit quietly and consider who you want to be.
It’s a place to evaluate the kind of year you’ve had.
We need each other to show up. We need to feel our communal strength, celebrate our history, and remember why being a Jew is being a part of a family and a people.
Join us! Even for no reason at all. Where else do you belong, but right here.
A Message from TBA's President James Nahirny
The ironic wish, “may you live in interesting times,” the origin of which is disputed but popularized by Robert F. Kennedy in the 1960's, has certainly come true. As we find ourselves besieged by these interesting times at home and abroad, I take particular solace in the familiarity and rhythm of High Holy Days at TBA with Rabbi Stern. I wish all of you a sweet, happy, and healthy New Year, and I look forward to sharing the peace with you at TBA in my first year as president.
Join Us in Welcoming Guest Cantor Marcie Jonas
This year Rabbi Stern looks forward to welcoming Cantor Marcie Jonas as she joins TBA to celebrate the High Holy Days. It is Marcie’s love of Jewish music combined with her love of folk music (going to coffee houses, with her parents in the late 60’s and early 70’s) that helped to create her personal musical vision. As a musical visionary in the Greater Boston area Cantor Jonas welcomes opportunities to create experiences in Jewish music that respect traditional nusach and embrace contemporary melodies, thus creating deep musical connections with her community. Cantor Jonas’ background in Jewish Education and her personal connection to the synagogue environment has helped her to be keenly aware of the growth and development of the synagogue service and the role that music plays in that process.
Adult Guest Registration for Non-Members
The High Holy Days are a large undertaking from a planning and financial perspective. We appreciate the ongoing financial support of our members and guests to make it possible for us to bring high quality, meaningful experiences to everyone. While we ask guests to make a donation to offset our costs, all are welcome regardless of financial means. Please contact Becky Oliver if you need assistance.
Children/Family Programs